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The Driver and the Devil: Casting

We're excited to announce our amazing talent for this weekend's "The Driver and the Devil" Music Video Shoot. William Sterling will play "Adam", our ride-share Driver in the story. This is my third collaboration with him and looking forward to finally be directing him myself! You may recognize him, he's been featured on hit...

The Driver and the Devil

[caption id="attachment_4198" align="aligncenter" width="225"] Mike "Unleaded Logic" Mertes, Sept. 2018[/caption] Unleaded Logic - the jack-of-all-trades, master-of-ALL DJ/musician out of Chicago - has had a busy 2018, with no signs of slowing down. His latest album (released in January) was intended as the score for an ill-fated video game dubbed "Neon Noir". While the game...