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Short Film ASHES gaining attention online.

Our latest short film, ASHES has garnered a bit of attention in the twitter-verse and in multiple independent film blogs online. Check it out through some of the avenues in the tweets below. Ashes (Short Film) http://t.co/Mxuq93pJ3I courtesy of @smontgomery85 and @BeyondNametag. — Turnabout Media (@turnaboutmedia) June 12, 2014 #SupportIndieFilm is out! http://t.co/wkjgElgM6u Stories via @MBCinema @MrSheltonTV @smontgomery85...

Project Pages are here!

Now there are individual projects pages for each short film that has been completed by Beyond the Nametag Productions, featuring the work of Director Shawn Montgomery. Click here to head on over and check out the short film section! Click on the images to check out details for each project, or just click...